How to fix File Explorer Crashes in Windows 10

Among the most frequent errors that occur in the new Windows 10 we can find the flickering of your computer screen together with the closing of folders, programs, and even games that we are running at the same time. That’s why today we have written an article on how to fix file explorer crashes in Windows 10.

On other occasions, it even prevents the use of the Windows 10 taskbar or start menu. This type of problem is mainly due to a crash or error in Windows File Explorer or what is the same, a failure with the Explorer.exe process.

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This problem a priori is very easy to solve, however on many other occasions, this error or problem persists and it is then that we have to carry out other somewhat more advanced methods. 

In this tutorial, we want to show you a list of processes to solve problems with Explorer.exe (Windows File Explorer) in the Windows 10 operating system.

How to fix File Explorer Crashes in Windows 10

How to fix File Explorer Crashes in Windows 10

Restart the Explorer.exe Process in Task Manager.

On some occasions, the Windows File Explorer crashes, in this case, we must restart it, which we must do through the Task Manager.

To open the Task Manager you will have to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del / Delete. When the blue window appears, select the Task Manager option.


  1. For this, you will have to click with the right button of your mouse on a free space on your taskbar. 
  2. When the context menu is displayed, you must select the Task Manager option.
  3. This will show the Task Manager window, in which you will have to go to the Processes tab. This will show a list of all the processes that are currently running. 
  4. In this list you should look for the name Windows Explorer (Explorer.exe).
  5. Click with the right mouse button to display the context menu where you will have to select the Restart option.

Restart Windows Explorer to fix Windows 10 issues

This will make your computer screen flicker a bit. 

  1. Once the reboot is done, you should be able to use the start menu, the taskbar, use your programs and folders without them closing, etc.
  2. Scan your Windows 10 for bugs and repair them from the CMD.

Windows 10 incorporates a tool in System Symbols that allows you to scan your computer in search of errors in the files of our Windows 10 operating system. 

  1. To use it, the first thing we will have to do is open the CMD as an administrator. If you don’t know how to do it, this link will help you: How to run Command Prompts as Administrator in Windows 10.
  2. enter and execute the following command:

sfc / scannow

  1. Once the Enter key is pressed for the process to run, all the files of the Windows 10 operating system will be analyzed and in the event that a problem is found, it will be repaired on the fly. Don’t be alarmed if the process takes a long time as it usually takes a long time.
  2. Scan and repair explorer.exe to fix problems in Windows 10

When the process is finished, it will be the turn to review, check and repair the hard drives of our computer. To do this, from the same Command Prompt as administrator, you will have to enter and execute the following command:

chkdsk / f

  1. After pressing Enter, the process of searching for errors and their repair on the fly will start. Once the process is finished, all errors will be repaired and fixed.
  1. After carrying out these two processes through the commands shown above, it should solve all the problems listed above on your Windows 10 computer and that are related to Windows File Explorer.

Modify the Windows Registry. (Delete explorer.exe folder)

If neither of the two methods above did solve your problem, in this case, we will have to use the Windows registry.

  1. Before continuing with this procedure, we strongly recommend that you perform a Restore Point so that in the rare event that something goes wrong, you can always revert to the previous settings. 
  2. The next thing will be to open the Registry, which you can do using the keyboard shortcut: Windows key + R. 
  3. This will show the run tool in which we will have to enter the command: Regedit. Press Enter and you will see how the Registry Editor will open automatically. 

Precisely in this window you should use the directory tree on the left side of the window to go until:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Image File Execution.options

  1. Expand this folder in the tree on the left side of the Registry Editor, it will show a list of folders among which you will have to look for the folder: Explorer.exe. 
  2. This folder will be the one you will have to delete. To do this you will have to click on it with the right button of your mouse so that a contextual menu is displayed in which you will have to select the option: Delete.

Once removed, close the Windows 10 Registry Editor and restart your computer. Once Windows 10 starts up again, the problems described above should be gone.

Restore Explorer to Default to Fix Unresponsive File Explorer

  • Open the File Explorer Options button on search, then click Enter when found.
  • Select the General tab.
  • Select Restore Defaults.
  • It could be a problem with your computer’s display driver. 

Follow the steps below to correct it

  • Press Windows key + X on your keyboard.
  • Then select Device Manager.
  • Then select Display Adapters. Then right-click on the running display adapter.
  • Now uninstall. Then select Exit Device Manager.
  • Now you can restart your computer.

Last Words

If none of the previous methods could solve your problem, then the last option you have left to solve it will be to reset your Windows 10 computer. In this way, you can return your Windows 10 computer to the factory state without losing the files. your computer. 

That’s the whole way on how to fix File Explorer crash in windows 10. So, it can be opened on a Windows 10 computer. If you are successful using one of the methods above, and if you have questions please submit them in the comments area of this post.

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